' Taking care of my cat's ears - MP Labo
My cat
Advices from our vets

Taking care of my cat’s ears

1 November 2021

The ear is made up of two parts:

  • First, the outer ear, which allows cats to pick up sounds, amplify them and locate their source. It is made up first of the auricular pinna, this is the visible part of the ear. Then there is the vertical auditory canal, and at a right angle, the horizontal auditory canal and, at its end, the eardrum.
  • The second part, the middle and inner ear, is made up of the tympanic bulla, containing the ossicles, and the labyrinth which is involved in balance and hearing.


Is cleaning your companion’s ears a real necessity?

Usually the cat’s ear is efficient at self-cleaning, which is not the case in some dogs, especially those with floppy ears. There is therefore no particular cleaning frequency. Most of the dirt is found inside the pinna and entrance to the ear canal.
However, if your cat is scratching his ears excessively, showing signs of discomfort when touched, or not pricking up his ears as usual, don’t hesitate to see your veterinarian to investigate the cause. Getting your companion used to being handled from an early age will make hygiene care and ear cleaning easier for all involved!


How to clean your cat’s ears

It is very important not to use a cotton swab or cotton wool because this could push dirt and ear wax further into the ear canal causing problems. It is best to use wipes or compresses, and use a dedicated ear solution.

Follow these steps for a good maintenance:

  • prepare all the materials needed
  • hold your cat’s pinna, and with the other hand gently place the tip of the bottle at the entrance to the ear canal. Pour the product inside
  • gently massage the ear for a few seconds
  • your companion will shake his head
  • wrap a compress or a tissue around your finger to collect secretions and excessive product from the ear, wiping around the entrance to the ear canal gently


How to choose between different cleansers?

The right cleanser for your cat depends on the problem encountered as well as the type of secretion being produced from the ear. Do not hesitate to follow the advice of your veterinarian.

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