It is important to talk about arthritis with your veterinarian as soon as possible.Indeed, sixty percent of cats over six years old suffer from arthritis, and this proportion reaches ninety percent for cats over 12 years old! Your veterinarian will recommend a high quality diet, will regularly check your cat’s weight, and make sure that it has a sufficient and adapted physical activity.
Unfortunately, the more your cat’s mobility disorders increase, the more you will have to call upon your veterinarian. Arthritis evolves in crises. During these, your cat is likely to be in a lot of pain, you will probably notice a change in its behaviour. Your veterinarian will then probably prescribe it anti-inflammatories to relieve it.
Specialists of arthritis are unanimous: a multimodal action is required! This means it is important to combine a healthy lifestyle (weight regulation and adapted physical activity), a high-quality diet, with sufficient amounts of essential fatty acids and complemented with supplements that are rich in chondroprotective nutrients.
During crises, it is important to continue stimulating your cat! Once the joint is warmed up, it will feel better! Offer it a toy it particularly likes.